Romanian Siemens Desiro Pack – reskin

(1 customer review)

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Product info

The package contains 5 new reskins on the Siemens Desiro DMU.

Also, the 3D model has been improved to look more like the real one, the cabin translated into Romanian and of course new sounds for bogies, buttons, etc.

In order to function properly, the following assets are required:

  • Desiro – ÖBB 5022/BR 642 (from RSSLO): Buy
  • Siemens Desiro Classic Sounpaket (optional – for better sounds): Download

Manual for destination display: Download


For instructions regarding the installation of this addon, please refer to our Tutorials section.

Product reviews

1 review for Romanian Siemens Desiro Pack – reskin

  1. Mihai_Dr1


    Am observat cateva diferente mari fata de originalul RSSLO la partea de sunete. In cabina la reskin motorul nu se aude, unii sunt de parere ca se aude foarte usor insa si cu sunetul dat mai tare cel putin in cazul meu nu se aude deloc, iar din exterior la pornire nu se aude, apare sunetul de relanti doar cand atinge 750rpm insa ramane la fel indiferent de turatie, ori la modelul RSSLO cand motorul se tureaza sunetul se modifica. In rest poate farurile ar trebui sa fie noaptea putin mai luminoase, insa e un aspect neglijabil.

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System Requirements


  • x64, multi-core processor, 3 GHz
  • Video card GTX560 (or equivalent), 1 GB of video memory
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 2 GB disk space (7200 RPM)


  • x64 quad-core processor,  3,4 GHz
  • Video card GTX770 (or equivalent), 2 GB of video memory
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 2 GB disk space (SSD)

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