WebSite Update

Venim in intampinarea live-ului din aceasta seara cu un update major la rutele de pe site alaturi de noi pachete de infrastructura.
Astfel cele trei versiuni de Valea Oltului vor fi gasite intr-un singur produs si anume Valea Oltului Mega Route. Pentru cei care au cumparat Valea Oltului V3.0, aceasta noutate vine doar ca un update. Pentru persoanele care au achizitionat versiunile mai vechi de Valea Oltului, acestea pot fi downloadate in continuare.
Acest lucru este valabil atat la Ruta Baragan cat si la Balota – Orsova – Caransebes.
De asemnea, Romanian Asset Pack a primit un update major, pe aceasta cale va rugam sa instalati ultima versiune de Asset Pack, pentru functionare fara probleme a rutelor de pe site si cel mai important inainte de instalare in folderul provider-ului RailStudio stergeti urmatoarele subfoldere: Scenery, RailNetwork si Infrastructure. Dupa instalarea noului Asset Pack trebuiesc instalate toate pachetele din sectiunea Infrastructure. Daca ati urmat toti pasii, rutele vor functiona fara probleme.
Versiunea 6.0 de Romanian Asset Pack va ramane valabila pe site cu denumirea OLD pentru o perioda limitata, in vederea acomodarii cu noile pachete.
Daca intampinati probleme nu ezitati sa ne contactati pe pagina de Facebook sau la adresa noastra de contact.
Ruta Baragan va ramane momentan indisponibila pana la lansarea acesteia.
Multumim pentru atentia acordata si spor la download!
We welcome this evening’s live with a major update to the routes on the site along with new infrastructure packages.
Thus, the three versions of Valea Oltului will be found in a single product, namely Valea Oltului Mega Route. For those who bought Valea Oltului V3.0, this news comes only as an update. For the people who purchased the older versions of Valea Oltului, they can still be downloaded. This applies both to the Baragan Route and to Balota – Orsova – Caransebes.
Also, Romanian Asset Pack has received a major update, in this way please install the latest version of Asset Pack, for trouble-free operation of the routes on the site and most importantly, before installation in the RailStudio provider folder, delete the following subfolders : Scenery, RailNetwork and Infrastructure. After installing the new Asset Pack, all packages from the Infrastructure section must be installed. If you have followed all the steps, the routes will work without problems.
Version 6.0 of the Romanian Asset Pack will remain valid on the website with the name OLD for a limited period, in order to accommodate the new packages.
If you encounter problems, do not hesitate to contact us on the Facebook page or at our contact address.
The Baragan route will remain temporarily unavailable until its launch.
Thank you for your attention and boost the download!

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